Corporate Policy & Quality Management
As an International manufacturing company, FRÖTEK’s Corporate Goal is to increase profitability by continuously working toward maximizing our growth potential and providing our customers a mutual profit-orientated business relationship. Our Company Goal is to determine and address our customer expectations and requirements, as well as ensuring the highest quality and reliability of our products that our customers have come to expect. This company goal is realized by our wide product-portfolio, our customer and market driven targets in research and development, company structure and our day to day work ethics.
Corporate Policy
Our valuable customers associate the name FRÖTEK with products and services we provide which ensures them advantages over their competition. These advantages are the center piece of FRÖTEK’s customer commitment to deliver high quality products with competitive market pricing and strive to meet 100% customer satisfaction.
General Management and employees are therefore responsible for acknowledging and practicing the factors mentioned below:
- Continuous improvement and adjustment of products and processes (KVP) to meet customers ever changing market requirements.
- Continuously reviewing and updating our process controls to ensure the highest quality products.
- Maintain FRÖTEK’s current market position and explore new markets for future growth.
- Increase manufacturing producttivity and look for cost saving opportunities.
- Increase EBIT through exisiting market growth and exploring new markets and customers.
- Increase innovation and engineering output to meet current and future customer expectations.
- Provide a work environment where employees knowledge and experiece is held in the highest regard and sought to improve all facets of the company and allow growth potential for the employee.
FRÖTEK wants to grow its current market position and expand into new markets by making sure that:
- All employees in all subsidiaries are communicating and working together as a team to meet all of our international customer needs.
- Our internal decision structures allow for quick decisive decisions, actions and re-actions to meet company and customer expectations.
- Ensuring these decisions that are made and implemented will strengthen the future growth of FRÖTEK
- We continuously evaluate our manufacturing and transaction costs to help find ways to reduce costs while maintaining the highest manufacturing standards and pass these cost savings on to our customers.
- All employees are held to a high standard of personal responsibility and self-initiative.
The following points are implemented to ensure that we meet our company targets:
- Continuously strive to meet 100% customer satisfaction
- Provide our customers with high quality/low cost products by utilizing forward thinking quality planning according to the motto “correct from the beginning”
- Continuously review our manufacturing processes to identify and then reduce scrap rates and potential claims (internal/external)
- We shall implement a Business Strategy that reduces or eliminates consumption of time and/or resources that offer no added value to our customers or markets.
- We shall enact a Continuous Improvement Process designed to acknowledge, prevent and/or eliminate the potential of product failure before ever reaching our customers and markets.
We at FRÖTEK consider our technical knowledge and manufacturing capabilities to be a crucial part of the success of the company. All of these factors relating to product quality and customer expectations shall consequently be supported by the management of FRÖTEK and all our employees.
FRÖTEK considers itself an environmentally responsible member of our corporate manufacturing society. We hold ourselves to the highest of standards by considering the effects of our actions and activities on the environment. Our goal is to ensure the energy efficiency of all our machines and devices are optimized to reduce energy consumption and usage of available resources. Consequently we are introducing related management systems.
Quality Management (IATF 16949 / ISO 9001)
FRÖTEK means quality.
Quality is safety.
Safety guaranteed by us.
Quality Assurance Agreement (QAA)
This quality assurance agreement is the contractual commitment of the technical and organizational general conditions and process between FRÖTEK and supplier, which are required for reaching the sought quality target.
The present CODE OF CONDUCT, as one of these structural elements, describes essential principles that are binding for all of us. Basic requirements for our legally compliant and ethical behaviour are laid down here.
Our system has been implemented and clearly documented for clients, suppliers and employees and verified and substantiated by audits. We are certified according to IATF 16949:2016 and DIN ISO 9001:2015.
Energy Management (ISO 50001)
As part of our corporate duty of care with regard to an energy management system (EMS), we define our corporate principles as follows:
The application of the (EMS) ensures that all organizational, commercial and technical activities that have an impact on energy are recorded, planned, controlled and monitored. In addition, contractually agreed requirements are met.
The EMS we practice implements the DIN EN ISO 50001 standard. The structure corresponds to this standard, the content requirements of which are also to be applied in contractual agreements with our customers.
With this declaration, the management commits all employees to carry out their activities in accordance with the descriptions in the applicable documents. This ensures that the strategic and operational energy targets for energy management (EM) are met.
The energy policy principles described the strategic direction of the company in the context of its energy policy. This section defines and establishes the principles of the company’s energy policy. This includes, for example, that the implementation and maintenance of an Energy Management System (EMS) is coordinated and monitored by the Executive Board (GF).
We strive for energy-efficient and environmentally compatible solutions for our products and their manufacture. Therefore, we are guided by the state of the art in all environmental protection and energy management measures. We involve our suppliers and contractual partners in this objective.
We want to optimize our energy consumption in the long term, use energy efficiently and strive to increase energy efficiency in a continuous improvement process. To implement these goals, we are introducing an energy management system.
Energy management requires responsible employees at all levels who actively cooperate and contribute to its implementation. The company management and employees are committed to implementing the energy policy principles described.
Responsibility for the introduction and implementation of the energy management system lies with the management. It arranges for the creation and maintenance of the EMS on the basis of the defined corporate goals and guidelines. The Energy Management Officer (EMO) is the management representative responsible for the application, maintenance and further development of the EMS.
The main tasks and powers of the officer are known to the employees and relate to the following key activities:
- Ensuring compliance with the applicable legal requirements in the context of the applied energy management system.
- Planning, initiating, conducting and documenting audits
- Coordination of the technical cooperation with external certification bodies and professional associations
- Consulting of the GF, as well as training of the employees/auditors in energy-relevant points
- Definition, documentation, qualification, monitoring and optimization (continuous improvement) of the EMS
- Consideration of European and international requirements regarding energy efficiency
- Periodical reporting to the management
Environmental Management (ISO 14001)
As part of our corporate duty of care with regard to an environmental management system (EMS), we define our corporate principles as follows:
The application of the (EMS) ensures that all organizational, commercial and technical activities that have an impact on the environment are recorded, planned, controlled and monitored. In addition, contractually agreed requirements are met.
The EMS we practice implements the DIN EN ISO 14001 standard. The structure corresponds to this standard, the content requirements of which are also to be applied in contractual agreements with our customers.
The definition of the environmental policy and the environmental goals derived from it as well as the internal and external communication are the responsibility of the management, which is supported by the environmental management representative. Finally, the determination of all data relevant to the environment is the responsibility of the Environmental Protection Officer of the department.
We bear responsibility, also and in particular for the effects of our environment and thus our future.
By consciously handling this responsibility, we make an important contribution to avoiding environmental pollution. We regularly measure and evaluate our environmental performance and are constantly looking for potential for improvement. Our environmental management is based on legal requirements and the results of our environmental audits. In our environmental commitment, we take into account economic aspects as well as the expectations of our customers, employees and other stakeholders.
Our environmental program defines objectives and planned measures to ensure continuous ecological development in the business sector and beyond. The following aspects are taken into account:
- The objectives and measures are in line with the environmental policy.
- The achievability and verifiability of the objectives and measures are ensured.
- The targets and measures should be as quantifiable as possible.
- Responsibilities for implementation are defined.
- The necessary resources and time frame are determined.
Environmental management requires responsible employees at all levels who actively cooperate and think along with the implementation. The company management and employees commit themselves to implementing the environmental policy principles described. Translated with (free version)